Wednesday, July 24, 2024


What are the Most Difficult Challenges for an Entrepreneur?

The most difficult challenges for an entrepreneur might show variety depending on each different scenario. However, there are few challenges that never change, and every single entrepreneur runs into...

Protesting Paragon Sporting Goods Company in New York City

February 17th, 2018 – New Yorkers gathered together for protesting Paragon Sporting Goods Company in New York City. No doubt, people of New York...

Why do Shithole Minds Govern Our Generation?

I know you all expect this article to focus on President Trump’s Shithole Bomb. Unfortunately it does not. This article is all about some...

Simple Bracelet to Protect you from Shark Attacks

Yes, no need to get stuck in pools for your summer vacation! Using just a simple bracelet to protect you from Shark Attacks will...

What is G20 Summit? Which countries attend?

G20 Summit 2017 has created worldwide attention with global leaders meeting and thousands gathering for protests. This annual summit gathers presidents and prime ministers...

By 2040, France Plans to ban all Petrol and Diesel Vehicles

Yes, that’s correct! Nicolas Hulot, the new environment minister, announced that France Plans to ban all petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040.When Emmanuel Macron...