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HomeHealth & LifestyleFashion10 Technology Produced Jewels to Turn You into A Stellar Babe


10 Technology Produced Jewels to Turn You into A Stellar Babe

A 3D printer is a computer-controlled machine that builds objects layer by layer.  The stacking of these layers on top of each other, creates a 3D structure. These layers are very thin, making them almost invisible, and the printed object appears seamless. 3D printing can create complex designs, including highly intricate forms with interlocking and movable parts.  Jewelry and accessories are being produced all over the world, making this next generation jewelry, highly accessible.

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Wormhole Ring

Wormhole Ring Fashion Trends

Search Astronomy themed 3D Printed Rings and other accessories at Shapeways. You can also create your own designs.

Tetra Kinematics NecklaceTETRA Necklace Fashion Trends

Tetra Kinematics is made of one-hundred and twenty unique tetrahedral components. This necklace is built of slightly flexible nylon plastic. The hinges are built during the 3D printing process, so each design comes out of the printer fully assembled and ready to wear.

Nervous System Studio creates jewelry and accessories using inspiration sourced from biologically occurring patterns such as algae, cell cycles, dendrite patterns, kinematics, and many more.

Solitaire BraceletSolitaire Bracelet Fashion Trends

3D printing with nylon produces light, strong and flexible products that can resist pressure while being bent. The surface of the bracelet is porous and looks slightly granular.

RADIAN is Berlin based.  They make contemporary jewelry that merges different types of design. They pull inspiration from architecture and take a graphic approach to designing. The designs are very geometric and contain abstract shapes.

Space EarringsSPACE EARRINGS Fashion Trends

These earrings twist through three dimensions.  They are 3D printed in nylon, and finished in matte.

Shop more of the Space Collection from British designer, Grace & Robot.

Hollow Leaf RingHollow Leaf Ring Fashion Trends

Nylon printed ring inspired from nature.  Iris van Hulst is a product designer based out of Amsterdam.  Many of her designs are organically influenced and include geometric shapes.  Shop more on Iris’s Etsy account.


A 3D Printed Nylon Bracelet, made of a Phyllotaxia pattern. The pattern has an ordering logic. The cuff is also available in steel.

XOver0 is composed of two designers, creating digital sculptures and conversation starting pieces.

Pyramid Cluster RingPYRAMID CLUSTERRING Fashion Trends

This ring is made of an arrangement of pyramids, and is inspired by the playful nature of origami.

Berlin-based, these wearable sculptures, are created by MISASSEMBLED Studios.

3D Printed Ear Cuff3D Printed Earcuff Fashion Trends

Perfect for a gender free future, the unisex ear cuff is perfect for a non-pierced ear. Made by 3Different designs, find them on Etsy.

Falk BraceletFALK BRACELET Fashion Trends

“FALK is a symmetrical bracelet following a three-dimensional curvature. It is designed using digital techniques and advanced digital software.”

SHEYN Designs is Vienna based. They use a “production process that combines 3D printing technologies and advanced fabrication methods together with traditional handmade manufacturing techniques like molding, casting and metal-plating.”

Eternity RingETERNITY RING Fashion Trends

The design was created using CAD drawing on a computer.  Then using 3D printing techniques, it was printed out by wax.  Then transformed to plaster, and lastly being cast in silver.

Shop more of these designs by MottoDesign3D, on Etsy.

SEE ALSO: New York Fashion Week Shows – February 2018

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