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HomeHealth & LifestyleTravelIs It Possible to Travel Around the World for Free?


Is It Possible to Travel Around the World for Free?

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to travel around the world for free? Let’s be honest, who hasn’t? No doubt, traveling around the world is one of the most precious experience one can get through their life. Think about having this unique experience without even paying for it; sounds like the heaven on earth, doesn’t it? There is a company that might help you to accomplish this dream! I must tell you that I haven’t tried it yet but seemed very legit to me. Also, this isn’t a sponsored content, so all the information I have is from their website and online reviews. I would suggest you do your own research before considering using their services.

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The name of the company is Grabr and let me tell you the company is built on a brilliant idea. Company’s services focus on two different customer segments with different needs:

  • First segment of customers are the ones who are willing to travel around the world for free.
  • While the second segment are people who want to shop abroad and have their goods delivered.

Whether you’re interested in the first or the second segment, I’m sure you’ll love the idea just like I did. Let me explain more about how the company works and why I like the idea so much.

If you’re from Europe, Asia, or Middle East and you live in United States, going home can become easily overwhelming. Surprise! People in your family or friends circle always have a long order list for you to bring in your suitcase. Sometimes, the top item on the list could be a new model iPhone, Abercrombie’s perfume, or something from Victoria’s Secret. Whether it’s availability or the price difference, these orders always exist. So, Grabr’s mission relies on the existence of the international orders.

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How International Orders Make It Possible to Travel Around the World for Free

It’s exactly the same principle of bringing some overseas goods for your family and friends. However, using company’s services, you might be able to compensate your travel expenses. In my mind, it seems possible, but as I mentioned before I haven’t tried it before. I am planning to use it in the near future to see if the demand is enough to cover for your all expenses.

Come on people, this is the modern way of smuggling! Doesn’t that get you excited?

Let’s dig into company and their services more. Grabr’s two founders, Daria Rebenok and Artem Fedyaev, have decided to start the company after living in eight cities around the world. They have found a way to meet the need of international orders with travel lovers.

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How to Shop Internationally without Duty Charges with Grabr?

Travel Around the World for Free

As you all know, many countries have different taxation regulations which effects prices of the international goods. Because of the price difference, most government authorities are highly alerted about international shipments due to tax charges. For sure, governments must punish their own people by making them pay extra for the goods produced in other countries. Yes, it’s sarcasm! Anyways, it gets tricky to order your stuff online due to extra charges. As your government cannot make enough money out of it, they won’t let you use it. However, the regulations are looser if you carry the items with you in your luggage. At least, officials are likely to understand the situation as long as they’re not suspicious of you executing illegal trade. The company uses this situation as their stand point.

If you’re looking to shop internationally without duty charges, you register to Grabr, send a link of the desired item. Later, you’ll receive offers from travelers who will visit your city. Once you select one of the items, you will make the payment to secure the item. Traveler will purchase the item with their own funding. Money will stay in the company until your item is delivered to you which increases the security of the transaction.

How to Use Grabr to Travel Around the World for Free?

Asides from the possibility to travel around the world for free, you can even make money from your travel. You just need to do your research firmly and be lucky. It’s very simple. First, check out the flights to the destination you’d like to visit and find the cheapest flight and accommodation available. Once you designate your destination and time, log in to Grabr and share the details of your itinerary. The system will provide you with number of people looking for international orders. Choose from the offers and find the most suitable offers for you.

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I would suggest you choose items that have high cost and wouldn’t keep much space in your luggage like a laptop or a smartphone. However, the tricky point here is that you will not receive your payment until you deliver the item. This means you need to consider your budget for the stuff you will bring with you. After purchasing the item, jump on your flight and deliver the items. Right after you deliver the items, you will receive both item reimbursement and your fee.

Who can Make Money for Traveling Around the World?

Can You Travel Around the World for Free

As long as there are people looking for international orders, everyone can travel around the world to make money. If you already have a job that allows you traveling frequently, Grabr will allow you earn more during your trips. If you still have questions about the system, visit their website to review FAQ section.

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I really love the idea, I hope the company will reach to more successful stage and allow more people to travel for free.


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