Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Wooden Polish Stairs Offer Both Quality and Style


The acquisition of a product abroad is always a risk. You don’t know about the culture, the insurance conditions are unclear and the current state of the laws for the consumer are very different from the laws in Germany. Therefor it is a big effort to buy a product abroad and you have to be very careful doing bigger deals in countries you don´t know well.
With the merger of several countries to the European Union (EU), much has changed. Laws are now unified and the cross-border market is clear. Above all, business between Germany and Poland is much easier for producers and consumers at this time.

The Polish craft

Poland is a country that loves crafts. The Polish craftsman knows its value and can praise his service at fair prices throughout the European economic area. Above all, the processing of wood, is a traditional Polish strength and so it is not surprising that the wooden stairs and wooden doors, are mainly produced and offered in Poland.
Poland, a country which is covered with forest in very large parts, can always keep up its craftsmanship and praise. The tradition of wood crafts seems deeply ingrained with the Polish people, and this artisan, or even the art of building, is constantly extended in the family.

Stairs Made of Polish Production

Wooden Polish Stairs are probably the most sold, handmade product, which is sold from Poland to Germany. Thanks to the quality of the wood, which is used to construct stairways, the Polish stair-builder can always offer a good quality and distribute favorably to the market. Polish stairs are more in demand than ever before and so the business with wooden stairs is growing ever more.

The company Treppenprojekte from Poland is a very traditional craft enterprise, with its own machine park, exhibition halls in Depno and more than 45 employees, who take care of the construction of new stairs every day. This is not the only place where you can buy cheap stairs from Poland, but with this company you do not risk a fool in buying wooden stairs. Therefore, if you want to buy a wooden stairs from Poland as a German consumer, should look for a traditional Polish stair builder, which can garuntee quality thruh his tradition.


Polnischer Treppenbauer – Holztreppen aus Polen sind qualitativ hochwertig

Der Erwerb eines Produktes im Ausland ist natürlich immer mit einem Risiko behaftet. Man kennt die Kultur wenig, die Versicherungsbedingungen sind unklar und der aktuelle stand der Gesetze für den Verbraucher unterscheiden sich stark von den Gesetzen im Inland. Bevor man ein Produkt im Ausland kauft, muss also ein großer Aufwand betrieben werden, um auch wirklich auf Nummer sicher gehen zu können.
Mit dem Zusammenschluss mehrerer Länder zur Europäischen Union (EU), hat sich Vieles geändert. Gesetze sind nun vereinheitlicht und der grenzüberschreitende Binnenmarkt kennt klare Reglungen. Vor allem Geschäfte zwischen Deutschland und Polen, können nun sehr viel einfacher für Produzenten und Verbraucher durchgeführt werden.

Das polnische Handwerk

Polen ist ein Land, das Handwerk liebt und lebt. Der polnische Handwerker kennt seinen Wert und kann seine Dienstleistung zu guten und fairen Preisen im gesamten europäischem Wirtschaftsgebiet anpreisen. Vor allem die Verarbeitung von Holz, ist eine traditionelle polnische Stärke und so wundert es nicht, das Holztreppen und Holztüren, überwiegend in Polen produziert und angeboten werden.
Polen, als ein Land, das zu sehr großen Teilen mit Wald bedeckt ist, kann sein Handwerk stets hochhalten und lobpreisen. Die Tradition zum Holz scheint tief verwurzelt mit dem polnischen Volk und so wird dieses Handwerk oder auch die Kunst beim Bauen stätig in der Familie weitergereicht.

Treppen aus polnischer Produktion

Treppen aus Polen sind wohl das meistverkaufte, handwerkliche Produkt, das von Polen nach Deutschland verkauft wird. Durch die Qualität des Holzes, welche zum Bau von Treppen verwendet wird, kann der polnische Treppenbauer immer eine gute Qualität anbieten und günstig am Markt verteilen. Polnische Treppen sind gefragter denn je und so floriert das Geschäft mit den Holztreppen immer mehr.
Der Treppenbauer Treppenprojekte aus Polen, ist ein sehr traditioneller handwerklicher Betrieb, mit einem eigenen Maschinenpark, Ausstellungshallen in Depno und mehr als 45 Mitarbeitern, die sich täglich um den Bau neuer Treppen kümmern. Dies ist zwar nicht der einzige Ort, an dem man günstige Treppen aus Polen erwerben kann, doch man kann hier, von einem traditionellen Treppenbauer aus Polen sprechen. Wer als deutscher Verbraucher also eine Treppe aus Polen kaufen möchte, sollte unbedingt auf die traditionellen polnischen Treppenbauer Ausschau halten, denn so ist Zuverlässigkeit und Qualität gegeben.

The Ugly Truth about Art Inspiration

What does art inspiration really mean?

Art inspiration sounds like very complicated business, but it’s essentially about capturing a moment of time in a creative way. This can take many forms from clicking a camera, to composing lyrics or taking paints to canvas.

An artist gives a part of them in whatever they create, and as a purchaser you unwittingly take a slice of their mindset at the time of composing the creative work.

Truth or Fiction?

Art or indeed any creative work is never defined by whether it is reality or fantasy. There are many artists who create deeply meaningful pieces, which are totally ‘submersive’ imagination. Indeed, even art based on reality is imagined during the creative process.

Some critics will say that art based on reality is somehow less worthy than fantasy-based creations. However, both have their own merits and place as worthy items to purchase, offering many years of enjoyment.

The Good, the Bad and the really Ugly

Most artists inject their personality, experiences or knowledge into the artworks that they produce. It will be very rare indeed, to find an artist who can produce an oil painting without any personal element.

It becomes interesting when the viewer can decipher that experience from that composition of music, or indeed purposeful strokes of a brush across a canvas.

Some artists may appear as though they have just escaped an institution, and perhaps require a return visit. Their art may reflect those dark recesses of the mind, distressed by life situations and trauma. Simply speaking, you may find yourself looking at a real nightmare captured on canvas. You would need to consider whether your home would truly be a place of tranquility, if each day you would look into the lounge to an abstraction of this nature.

Art can equally just be “bad”, maybe the technique is lacking, and the dimensions applied are disproportionate to reality. Of course, remembering the big eyes paintings this may be very captivating. However, art that looks as though the artist did not give any pizzazz, may just as quickly lose appeal.

Great art is always inspired by that particular artist in some shape or from. An artist was once asked how he indeed valued his art, and appeared to deliberate for a while, before stating in truth that it is priceless. This statement appeared strange at first instance, until he explained his very full life, firstly as a surgeon, and two other later professions, before becoming an artist.

The choice of art inspiration for a home or other living space will always be one for the buyer. However, art paintings are a lifetime commitment, and as with any relationship, should be considered for longevity. Clearly, where the personality and personal experiences, even tragedies of the artist are present, then these pieces would seemingly be those with the glowing buy art painting now button. These creations will over the years offer relaxation, and moments of reflection as you understand the anguish, or indeed joy behind each stroke. Art inspiration can therefore be a very magical aspect of admiring art paintings.

Are Rumors of Godaddy Auction Scams Real?


I have been hearing rumors from many people complaining regarding Godaddy Auction Scams. The amount of increasing complaints started me to wonder if this is really possible. I have been using Godaddy for many years and mostly satisfied with their services. I have mostly used it to purchase available domains which might reached to more than five-hundred domains over years. However, I have not used Godaddy Auctions as it’s unnecessary to land domains for extra price instead building a brand. Therefore no matter how careful I was, I wasn’t able to going through Godaddy Auctions. Although I am very cautious about my domain renewal dates, my payment didn’t go through in one of my accounts. Later, the domain was expired and listed for an auction.

SEE ALSO: Should I Use GoDaddy Hosting for My Blog?

Let me narrate my experience to you and you be the judge if Godaddy Auction Scams are real or not. When I first realized my domains were expired it was already late to renew for regular price. When I contacted support team, they have told me that I need to pay $80 redemption fee for each item. I can understand that there is fee, but isn’t it too much for just renewal? Anyway, I have decided that those domains would not worth that much, so I would go through auction to purchase. I have watched the domains for a while to realize if anybody interested. For a week, there was no one checking out domains except me. I did this because I might have paid the redemption fee if anybody would be interested.

Anyway, I have tried to register for Godaddy Auction Account and was not able to do it. When I tried, it was saying that the domain is not listed for the auction yet, so I called support again. After I have talked to support, they were not able to process my credit card, but they have listed the domains in auction section again. I have tried to register one more time and luckily I manage to get an annual membership for $4.99 this time. I definitely think that it is a reasonable price. However, everything happened after this drove me just crazy.

I have opened my auction account and found my domain and also made a bid of $12 which is the minimum amount. I decided to keep the page open, so I could make cross bidding if needed. SURPRISE! In just a minute, there was someone else made a bid against me. I have sensed that this would be gameplay of Godaddy to make more money out of this transaction. The system was showing that there was 3 Hours and 20 Minutes remaining for auction to end. Even more, it was stating that the time was extended due to bidding. That moment, I have decided to wait little more to avoid bringing attention into the auction. It was already asking for $22 for the next bid and would go higher quickly if I made a move.

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Godaddy Auction Scams Might Drive You Crazy!

In this time, I wanted to check my email to see if there was any information sent regarding the auction. While I was checking my emails, I have refreshed the auction page and shocked. There was absolutely NOTHING on the page. I immediately contacted support. They said that the auction had ended. I have explained the situation, but they kept repeating that the auction was over. When I told them that it was showing extended time, they said there is no time extension for expired domains. Absolutely ridiculous!

SEE ALSO: Can You Make Money for Living from Blogging?

I mean if I am not going to make bidding of $22, would I pay for annual membership for something I will never use again? When I raised the question to them, they could only say that the auction ending time. They didn’t check the logs or anything. Just playing parrots even when I have contacted someone they call supervisor. The most ridiculous thing was their solution offered. They asked me to pay $200 something plus commission to contact the new owner.

In my opinions, the answer is simple. Yes! Godaddy Auction Scams are real! They just make this scenario to take much more money for simple domain transaction. In the end, what they do is not illegal for sure. I believe this is the reason they can continue like this. Is it ethical? That is your call. I leave it to your judgement.

How to Save on High Shipping and Mailing Supplies Costs


We all know shipping materials can cost a lot, but there are cheap shipping and mailing supplies available in the market. You just need to know where to look! In our article, we will explain why traditional shipment is still important and how to find cheaper options online. In US, there are millions of mails and shipments sent out every day. Why to pay more when there is better options available?

The internet has certainly changed the way of communication in the business world. The communication is much faster with wide array of options such as email, live chat, websites, smart devices etc. However, traditional shipment methods are still carry on high importance even though it can become highly expensive. Especially, large corporations pay huge amounts on their shipping and mailing supplies every year. Although these corporations purchase shipping materials in bulk, they sometimes might not be able to cut a good deal.

In shipment process, people are mostly overwhelmed with hundreds of options offered among the shipping and mailing supplies. Therefore, the decision is very simple, you just need to find the right box or envelope size matching your needs. Most of the products in the market have similar quality even though some charge way more than the others. It doesn’t really matter if you use traditional shipment once in a while or very often. In order to save money, you need to work with a shipment and mail supply distributor directly. Otherwise, extra costs will be inevitable.

How to Spot Cheap Shipping and Mailing Supplies Online with Free Shipping?

There are many options available online with different brands and prices. Certainly, Amazon and EBay are the leaders due to their aggressive business style in the ecommerce industry. However, there are better options that people don’t know about. I have decided to put together this article specifically for the small businesses in US to avoid extra costs. Nowadays, it is much tougher to stay strong in the business field, so every little cost can harm their success.

Anyways, let’s get back to our tips regarding cutting down your shipment costs! I have done some research and compared numerous companies in consideration of various products and brands. Finally, I came across with a brand that will be beneficial for everyone who are willing to use traditional shipment. Whether you will place a single item or a bulk order, your purchase will benefit from low wholesale prices.

The name of the company is called Zebra Pack and it is specialized on shipping and mailing supplies. The company focuses on the competitive prices of items with convenience in delivery. Furthermore, Zebra Pack offers free delivery in US which is another crucial point on cutting costs. There are wide array of shipment products including bubble mailers, poly mailers, rigid mailers, labels, tapes, etc.

I would suggest you to check the website before any shipment supply spending as you might receive better deal. You should definitely avoid paying extra for these items if you can easily save on them. Saving on these little things will build you great space in future!

Turkey blocked Wikipedia Access due to National Security Concerns


Turkey blocked Wikipedia access on April 29th, 2017. As most of you know, Turkey has had a referendum for the constitutional change last month. A lot of people thought that the new powers for Erdogan would cause trouble on the international arena. Therefore, people expected bolder decisions from the government after “Yes” votes came out leading on the referendum. However, the governmental policies have not experienced any difference with new systems establishment. People around the world wonder if the new powers are the reason for incaccessible Wikipedia for Turks.

As every person using the internet, we also want people to have continuing access to information. However, this has always been a controversial argument about what if the information is not right. Do you remember your projects in the college with the requirements of “reliable sources” about your subject? Yes, we all went through the same troubles! Even though Wikipedia has always been the easy way of reaching information, it has NOT been considered as RELIABLE. The way of collecting information on Wikipedia is not working similar to traditional encyclopedia. This being the main reason, entries could easily be manipulated.

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Why Turkey blocked Wikipedia Access without Notice?

This is not the first time Turkey making decisive moves for internet giants. In the past, Turkey has revoke the access for, Twitter and YouTube as well as others. Usually, taking action without prior notice has always been much more effective way. Turkish officials have experienced this in the past with other companies by trying to stall officials. If you show them that you are serious with demand, companies are likely to show dedication on fixing it.

In my opinion, this action has nothing to do with the new Turkish Constitution as the country applied similar activities in the past. The reason of Turkey Blocked Wikipedia Access is related to pages promoting terrorist activities to public. Wikipedia officials needs to consider this important point in the future. Unlawful activities cannot be presented attractive nowhere in the world.

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What was Wikipedia’s Response to Turkish Officials Blocking the Access?

“The Wikimedia Foundation has learned that access to Wikipedia has been blocked in Turkey as of Saturday, April 29th. Wikipedia is a rich and valuable source of neutral, reliable information in hundreds languages, written by volunteers around the world. We are committed to ensuring that Wikipedia remains available to the millions of people who rely on it in Turkey. To that end, we are actively working with outside counsel to seek judicial review of the decision affecting access to Wikipedia. We hope the issue can be resolved promptly.”

It appears to me that Wikipedia wants to keep its Turkish Readers. However, they need to take an immediate action for fixing the problem. The easiest way will be working together with the Turkish Government moving forward. As I mentioned before, I would like everyone to have access information freely if the information is reliable. We will continue monitoring this process. Also, we will continue looking into Turkish Government actions in the new system to deliver fair valuation.

Step by Step Product Launch Guide for Small Business


Step by Step Product Launch Guide for Small Business will help start-ups to save time and money for critical process. Product Launches are so important that might even change your company’s future in the industry. Company officials usually evaluate product launching with the amount of money spent in the campaign in the traditional businesses. However, successful product launches are not directly related to the size of the campaign. There are more important components for companies to consider in the process. Specially, the increasing competition in each field leads two out of every five product to end up failing. What is the right path to follow for companies in product launch?

We need to understand why product launches are so critical for a company and prepare everything accordingly. First, product launches have so much to offer due to bringing a new phase for company. A chance to attract new customers who have not purchased anything from your brand in the past. Who would possibly ignore this opportunity? I am certainly not a business professor so that I will try to point out each segment in daily language. Whether your brand offers service or product these steps will shape your success.

I have put together these steps for Step by Step Product Launch Guide for Small Business in order to make it easier.

Marketing techniques to get sales

Step by Step Product Launch Guide for Small Business Leads you to Success

If you read our guide carefully, I am sure that you will be able to take necessary essentials for the product launch for you small business. Go through each step and try to match the information with your product launch story. This way, you will be aware of the possible mistakes and fix them before causing any trouble for your campaign. If you have any questions or concerns, you can leave a comment for assistance.

Analyzing Market Demand for your Service or Product

Product launches are basically the most critical marketing campaigns for your company. If you play it by the rules, this campaign might become a fortune for your brand. Depending on your service or product, you have to identify your consumers’ demand. In the end, your consumers are the key essentials for your product launch to be successful. However, your feelings might not be enough so that you need to implement the right tools. Simply, just ask them! There are many tools available for customer feedback and contribution. They will gladly help your company to produce their next favorite item.

Identifying Objectives Clearly

Actually, identifying objectives is one of the most important segments of the Step by Step Product Launch Guide for Small Business. This step is much more related to your company goals. You need to consider what you truly expect from this campaign after your investment. As every investment, return on investment is also crucial for product launches especially for small businesses. If you make a decision focusing on a small group of consumers, you might not be satisfied with the return. As a small company, this will make it harder to compete with stronger brands.

Sparking Up your Staff

No matter how much you trust yourself and your product/service, an unmotivated staff can destroy all the campaign. Each staff has to be sparked up to pass on your dedication and passion to your consumers. I know, you are already worried about how to motivate your staff. It is easy! Just deeply explain every detail to them. If you believe your product or service, your staff will easily pick up the passion. Even more, some might work harder to create difference in your campaign.

Believe in your Product Launch

As I went through earlier, product launches are so important for your company and brand. If your company periodically launches new products and services, you might consider forming a special team dedicated in the field. Dedicated and passionate marketers will differentiate your each product launch so that you can make a difference. Stronger campaigns will let you believe in your product launch which is essential.

Ready to take your journey a step further? Check out our Entrepreneurship Madness Guide

Choose the Right Way of Execution

Marketing world has changed a lot after increasing use of the internet and social media. In comparison to late 1990s, today there are many more different marketing channels and execution ways. As a company, you need to understand and analyze each tool to find out the best method. Each client type has different behavior and tradition. You just need to identify which channel matches the best for your client profile!

What is the Mystery of the Blue Glow in Tasmanian Shores?


Many people started searching about what the mystery of the blue glow in Tasmanian Shores was about after posted photos. According to photos and videos posted online, water has reacted with blue glow to every reaction. Yes, it sounds unrealistic! This being the reason why photos and videos have spread across the internet immediately. I have gathered some photos for you to see this amazing view and the video aired on ABC News.

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No doubt, science is an amazing tool. However, scientific explanations mostly ruin the beauty of all mysterious situations. Isn’t it why scientist are called boring? When you tell them about love, they would explain it with neurons, chemical interactions, etc.

Do you really want to spoil the mystery with scientific terms? Got it! Joking aside, looking for scientific explanation is highly important for the truth. You can continue reading below in order to get the answer.

Let’s find out what the Scientific Explanation behind the Mystery of the Blue Glow in Tasmanian Shores

First of all, the reason behind this unique event is living creatures (single-celled algae or plant plankton) called Noctiluca Scintillans. Yes, it’s already losing the interest. Ha ha! In these blue glows, billions of single-celled algae get together naturally causing the perfection.

According to Professor Hallegraeff, aquatic botany professor at the University of Tasmania, these are organisms eating other species. Billions of them get together and behave similar to vacuum cleaner. He had mentioned that shellfish farmers complaint regarding shellfish were hungry because nothing left to eat for them.

He also added that it was reported in Sydney Harbour for the first time in 1860. Since then, it has drastically expanded. Later in 2000s, it moved southwards to Tasmania and became permanent in the region. Ocean currents and global warming had a very important role in the great expansion for the last 20 years. Blue Glow Effect should be a good source for attracting international tourists to the Tasmanian Shores.

Anyway, I suggest you to avoid unnecessary information about the mystery of the blue glow in Tasmanian Shores. Just enjoy it and be thankful for this beauty! Did any of you have a chance to visit the area? Feel free to send us photos of your trip and we will add it to the album.

If you would like to read more about our travel guides, visit PlatoPost Travel Category.

Tasmanian Shores Blue Glow Gallery

How Blogging can Help to Get Your Dream Job?

Many college students wonder how blogging can help to get your dream job in the competitive business field. First, we need to be aware that finding a job is tough process. In this process, many different elements will affect the evaluation. Remember, you need to play every aspect by the rules in order to stand out in the crowd. Good candidates should analyze company’s expectations and requirements to prove that you will meet them in the long run. However, how can you prove it with information written on a piece of paper called resume? Yes, you are right! This is the most critical phase of landing a job. Let’s look into details of each step!

If you are writing a resume for the first time, I would suggest you to start from this article: “How to Write a Resume for your First Job Application?

Resume writing is critical process; however, your past actions are more important than the way you present them on a paper. Each candidate has to understand that it is a tougher investment for a company to hire someone. Mostly, hiring someone is risky because of company’s effort on spending time, money and labor force. In the end, hired candidate just might not be a suitable fit for the position. This is the main reason each candidate is being scrutinized deeply.

Do you want to start a blog? Check out: Top 5 Things you must know before Starting a Blog

Let’s Find Out How Blogging can Help to Get Your Dream Job? PlatoPost Article Writing will Glow in your Resume!

We have focused on the analytic thoughts for college students in the creation phase of PlatoPost Online News Platform. Especially in the USA, higher education system is well-established in consideration of student involvement. However, I believe students’ implementation of these analysis into their daily lives is not sufficient. Therefore, both critical thinking and analysis is extremely crucial for the business world. Blogging is the simplest opportunity for students on showing their opinions and qualities in different matters.

However, presentation of your opinions and qualities is not the only benefit of blogging in the job search process. There are more opportunities such as networking, online presence, portfolio creation, etc. Each one of these elements will add different quality in your application process. However, in my opinion liability is the most essential segment for companies’ consideration.

SEE ALSO: Can You Make Money for Living from Blogging?

If you write articles regarding specific subjects daily or weekly, this will show your dedication to responsibilities. Liability is important because it is a humanistic skill unlike other specifications obtainable by practicing overtime. Article writing for PlatoPost will provide little more advantages due to reader profile in comparison to your personal blog.

How Blogging can Help to Get Your Dream Job_-min

Las Vegas Travel Guide for Students


We have put together Las Vegas Travel Guide for Students to provide you with an insight for your travel plans. Las Vegas is one of the top travel destinations in the world. Vegas has a unique era unlike ordinary holiday destinations offering beach and sea. Even more the region has been built specifically to attract tourists across the globe. However, Las Vegas also offers tremendous amount of fun for students as well as regular tourist.

In this article, we are looking to provide you with brief information about the area and how this relate to students. First of all, you should know that the region is not for people looking for a calm and relaxing vacation. If you are looking for calm vacation, you can check our Miami Travel Guide for Students.

No matter how you plan your vacation, we suggest you to hold a Las Vegas Trip for at least once in your life! Unique Hotels, restaurants, pool parties and charming lights are the key elements for spirit.

Legendary Sin City which is the globally accepted truth about Las Vegas! Let’s start with where Sin City name comes from. In general, Sin City is a common name for places where people can access to different fantasies. These fantasies usually includes limitless nightlife, gambling, prostitution, drug use, etc. However, increasing demand for social rights has transformed illegal activities into top notch lawful entertainment. For instance, prostitution is illegal although it is accessible in the town.

What is the Best Tip in the Las Vegas Travel Guide for Students to Entertain?

In our different travel guides for students, we suggest our readers to consider tips according to their interests. One’s field of interest might not match with someone else, so don’t blame it on us. Anyways, crazy parties are the most impressive element in the region. If you are looking to avoid losing your all money on gambling, get ready to spend it on crazy parties. Yes, this is the truth! Most likely, you will burn all your money in both ways. However, this is the main reason we earn money, isn’t it? If you are can’t risk the money you have, I would suggest you to be cautious.

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You can plan your trip to Las Vegas all year round depending on your purpose of visit. If you plan a gambling vacation, time of the year is not highly critical because of indoor windowless casinos. In this regard, I would suggest you to plan your trip according to flight and accommodation costs. Due to events in the area, prices drastically change. However, you need to plan your trip in Summer time if you want to experience amazing pool parties. Most major pools are closed until late spring, so you might be disappointed with your choice.

No doubt! Las Vegas Travel Guide for Students suggests you to visit the area for a crazy vacation with lots of parties. In fact, don’t forget about our suggestions on being careful about your money. Don’t lose what you can’t afford! Good luck on your plans!

Choosing The Right Bike Helmets


Every biker knows that choosing the right bike helmets could be crucial. Your helmet will not only protect you but also reflect your style. Yes! Cycling is just for some people while it is a real passion for a lot of people.

If you are constantly cycling around, you can simultaneously sense the panic and excitement of people around you. Some will definitely make a comment on this subject, and most have gone through the bicycle accidents. In fact, they are not so unfair. But if you are a serious passion rider, you should first have your bike care done regularly and you should definitely use a bicycle/motorcycle helmet.

How should a good bike/motorcycle helmet be chosen? What is important for choosing the right bike helmets?

Online Biker Shop will provide you with variety of options for chosing the right bike helmets
Online Biker Shop will provide you with variety of options for chosing the right bike helmets

First of all, you have to be careful that the helmet has plenty of breathable holes. This will help you with sweat problems and will not prevent you wearing helmets in the summer. Your helmet should definitely have protection. There is a simple logic; the ones that are open usually do not work.

You must have an under jaw connection to help your helmet not slip off your head on the road. It is not the most reliable way that the only strap holding the helmet in place, is the neck connection.

Even if you do not have local resources for choosing the right bike helmets, if you have internet knowledge, be sure to read foreign sources as well. Just because the fact that the bike culture in Turkey is not as developed as much as the rest of the countries, this kind of analysis has made it easier to find that perfect helmet.

If you have any doubt as to whether your helmet is suitable for you or not, do not take it. Because the fit on the head, is one of the most important issues. The over-tight helmets and the plentiful helmets give you trouble during driving.

Thus, you can start browsing the helmet that will carry on your style after consideration of the brief information in the article above. Riding a bike is fun, make sure it’s safe too!

How to Become the Best Player in Mobile Legends


Are you also a game freak wondering 24/7 on how to become the best player in Mobile Legends Bang Bang? I feel you! Online games sometimes can mean much more than its actual purpose which is wasting time. Even more, sometimes it can cause troubles on our daily lives, but who cares? We are just gamers, aren’t we? Let’s forget about everything else and focus on becoming a much better player to stand out in the crowd. Let me tell you adjustment process is a rough path and it’s only possible knowing with tips and tricks.

SEE MORE: Mobile Legends Bang Bang Arena Contest 

Or check out updated list of mlbb heroes

First of all, you need to understand the basics of these types of games known as MOBA style games. DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) is the oldest and most well-known MOBA game in the history. DOTA was a patch created for Blizzards historical game Warcraft. Years later, League of Legends has become much popular across the globe. Players claimed that DOTA’s software engineers created the game as a competitor. Anyway, if you have played any of these games before, you will easily pick up the game.

What are the Best Tips and Tricks on How to Become the Best Player in Mobile Legends Bang Bang

Basically, MOBA games are designed for 5vs5 summing up to 10 players in total. Players’ main purpose is destroying other team’s base. Even though it seems very simple, it can easily become tricky. Let me explain each variable briefly so you can step up your gameplay. There are heroes, minions, jungle animals, turtle, Lord, and turrets. Everything besides heroes are controlled by computer.

SEE ALSO: Mobile Legends Item List

There are three lanes connect both teams’ bases and each lane has three turrets. As a good start, you need to start killing minions while avoiding getting killed. If you get killed by other heroes, they will start making more money. Therefore, they will become stronger much faster, so it will be impossible to catch them up. If you can manage to avoid getting killed while leveling up, all you need to do is stepping into rival’s base!

Personally, I would suggest you to select a lane according to the heroes coming from the other side. If you can manage to match with heroes that you can handle, you will easily become stronger in no time. While I am playing, I see level 9 as tipping point because I can kill the Lord by myself with the build I explain in the ml items.

In this article, I have covered the basic information of the game play. In the future articles, I am planning to provide detailed information regarding different heroes including items to purchase. This is the end for my first article on How to become the Best Player in Mobile Legends Bang Bang Guide. If you have any questions regarding the game, feel free to comment on the article and I will gladly answer.

You can always check the official site.

How to Become the Best Player in Mobile Legends

Learn about Mobile Legend Heroes

Understanding heroes is the most important step for mastering your game. Once you learn about heroes, you will find out which ones appeal to game play.

Understand Items and their attributes

According to hero types, you can develop item strategy providing you an advantage to create a road map while positioning yourself in the game.

Make friends

No matter how well you play, you will need to establish a group of friends who complete your game strategy. Due to required game strategy, everybody should shoulder different characteristics in the game. Make sure you have friends filling out the empty positions.

Keep trying and playing

Trying new strategies will help you understand different heroes and styles your competitors might use, so keep trying new game strategies and playing in order to differentiate your game play.

Honda Clarity Electric Trio Shined in NYIAS

NYIAS 2017 Honda Clarity has impressed not only its fans but also visitors of the show. Honda brand has always been a strong innovator in the global car-maker industry. In the alternative fueling, Honda Clarity has formed a new phase in order to replace short-live batteries. In NYIAS 2017, Honda has met its fans center stage for thorough presentation. For 2017, Honda presents three Clarity electric variations, headed for 75% armada cap by 2030.

New York International Auto Show 2017 is a critical tipping point for Honda Electric Car Manufacturing. American Honda considers this event as a ground zero to target much stronger market share. According to fan reviews, the new phase will move the brand into total different stage. Of course, the company has also thought regarding people living outside of Hydrogen Fueling Network regions.

Until today, Honda Clarity was the only brand using hydrogen fuel cell technology. Today, the company provides Clarity model with both plug-in hybrid and full electric versions. The change of the model will improve Honda’s power in the competitive market. Eventually, stronger place will increase the market share.

NYIAS 2017 Honda Clarity Promises Clean Environment in the Future

Starting from this year, Honda Clarity will drastically expand and reach nearly eighty percent of the produced cars by 2030. Yes, this is highly promising information for the future of green environment. Honda Clarity line will rewrite its mission from the environmental impact point of view. It will not only manufacture cars with driver-friendly experience but also low to no emission.

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Thus, I certainly believe that the change in the traditional fuel technology should end much faster than planned. In the transition process, all companies have duties to contribute the change. Certainly, Honda plays his part very well while others also making huge changes. Let’s just enjoy the effort on decreasing the fuel consumption of cars for now and look forward for more developments.

You still didn’t visit the show? There is still time!

Baby Girl Born during Turkish Airlines Flight


On April 7, 2017 – Turkish Airlines’ twitter account has delivered a message that Baby Girl Born during Turkish Airlines Flight. The tweet “Welcome on board Princess! Applause goes to our cabin crew!” said. Flight is definitely one of the most convenient transportation types; but easily can become scary. No matter how scary it becomes still flights are the safest transportation according to statistics. Have you ever experienced any flight with a horrifying event? You know what we mean if you had!

The cabin could grip people’s soul, so crew and their services are highly critical for comfort. They are your team and you should get along with them. We have seen the video aired by passengers of United Airlines last week. The video has created an amazing impact on public which even jumped to governmental officials. Even it has raised tension between two countries after opposing statements. However, we have received news which proved that there are people in this industry with their heart.

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A passenger named Nafi Diaby has startled others as her birthing pains occurred in the flight from Conakry to Ouagadougou. Turkish Airlines has mentioned that their cabin crew helped the lady deliver the baby. It was mentioned in the conference that the baby was delivered with help of crew while she was standing up. Therefore, the airline has mentioned that the baby was born over Mali airspace.

Is there any Sanction for Baby Girl Born during Turkish Airlines Flight?

Actually, there are sanctions for women flying while pregnant which differentiate according to the airline company’s policy. Turkish Airlines allows women between twenty-eight and thirty-five week pregnant to fly with a doctor’s note. Yet, there is no sanctions for baby girl born during Turkish Airlines flight. As Turkish Airlines being a popular and interactive brand in social media, the event has spread immediately.

People’s response to the matter was very positive and people loved crew’s effort on healthy delivery. Even though people might have experienced difficulty during the matter, the story-end was astonishing. Anyways, we will leave you with amazing image gallery to sense the feeling of the great moment.

Image Gallery of 42,000 Feet High Baby Delivery

MTV Awards Cancels Gender-Specific Categories

MTV Movie & TV Awards takes down gender-specific categories to increase awareness on gender problems across the globe. In 2017, we will experience a new phase in MTV Movie & TV Awards according to authorities’ announcement. This announcement shows that we might have a new tune in the upcoming events in the near future. The Grammy Awards’ was the first to take down the gender-specific categories in 2011. Finally, we can see the spreading effect of the action into another vital event in the industry.

What will change after MTV Movie & TV Awards takes down gender-specific categories?

First of all, I feel obligated to mention that I strongly support this amazing decision of MTV. Due to sensibility in gender matter, I believe MTV’s action will create highly powerful awareness into the gender distinction. Every single day people keep experiencing the same issue in their schools, workplaces, etc. although nothing much changes.

Hence there will be multiple categories become effected by MTV’s decision including best actress and best actor categories. Instead these categories, “Best Actor in a Movie” and “Best Actor in a Show” will take a place in this year’s show. Basically, the show turns into something totally new with its brand-new name and gender distinction policy.

MTV annually organizes MTV Movie Awards for a quarter-century. The show is one of the most well-known events about movies around the world. The show occurs in the spring time to award the best movies every year. This year, the show has changed its name to MTV Movie & TV Awards. As the name represents, the show has expanded its coverage to TV shows as well as the movies. In the preparation process of the show, the nominees are selected by MTV producers and executives. Later, these nominees are presented online to become winners of the “golden popcorn award” in that year.

Does Exotic Pet Trade Look Innocent? Watch Now


Exotic Pet Trade is a developing business field as the world becoming much crueler every day a time. Society’s crawl for popularity and fame across the globe leading individuals into mistakes on their choices. Individual’s ambition to earn more money prepares an environment for many illegal business fields and exotic animal trade is just one of them.

There is only one truth that these types of illegal businesses will not ever end as long as the society drives demand. Even though governments continue applying regulations against these types of businesses, people continue figuring out different ways to execute.

I personally believe that the increasing welfare level around the world has been the number one reason for people to be different. Additionally, individuals started to pay much more attention to the social media popularity in the last decade, so people feel obligated to be charming in their online world. However, it is unbelievable that how humans can sacrifice another lives just for something unnecessary. Check out our article about negative effects of social media popularity.

Does Exotic Pet Trade Worth to take a Pretty Photo?

In today’s world, technology and information has evolved into a new level unlike anything in the history. People are much more educated and the information has never had an easier access. Everyone speaks how modern people are in today’s society. However, it does not prevent people from making huge mistakes and being reckless.

Although exotic pet trading has nothing to do with humanity, environmental rights, or modernization; people pay attention to the fancy look of it. Moreover, looking into the exotic pet trade statistics, we just understand the horrifying face of the mankind. I have come across a video by Zinc on Facebook and this triggered me to write this article to share the video with you.

Maybe we cannot put the business to the end hundred percent, but we can easily stand up against the people being part of it to decrease the demand and profit in these types of business fields. If there is not much profit and demand, illegal exotic pet traders will not be able to gain outstanding profits which will narrow down the piece of the pie.

Feel free to share this article with your friends and family to increase awareness on this subject. Let’s stop this illegal action and save wild animals!

Miami Travel Guide for Students


Miami Travel Guide for Students is a simple roadmap focusing on students who are looking to visit Miami. Whether your purpose of visit is a short travel or attending school, you must make it worth. Stop for a moment and think about where you would like to visit across the world in your free time. In top 5 destinations list, you definitely have Miami counted. Good News! Miami deserves the attention!

From the Art Deco-lined shores of Miami Beach to the couture-filled boulevards of the Design District, Miami is a city that figures out how to pay tribute to its storied past and to remain on the front line of what’s next. Of course, everyone evaluates Miami by its endless beaches and its unique deep blue. Therefore, Miami Trip for Students is not only limited to that! In this guide, we will try to point out few tips for your next vacation.

When is the right time to visit Miami According to Miami Travel Guide for Students?

First of all, we would like to say that the best time to visit Miami is winter time as local weather is tropical. In summer time, you might be suffocated by the heat. You might visit Miami amongst March and May for the best temperatures. While a great part of the United States will even now be shaking off the icy climate in March, it’s a prime time for Miami travel, since it’s warm yet not swampy.

If you visit the city right time, you transform into someone else by each breath inhale. However, don’t be afraid to plan your Miami Trip in Summer Time. You can guarantee a plenty of exercises at wallet-accommodating costs with summer happy hours – Miami Spa Month (July and August) and Miami Space (August and September).

A Miami vacation can offer the nation’s best snorkeling and scuba diving. Additionally, the beautiful perspectives of marine life and coral reefs, and also the rich tropical vegetation in neighborhoods like Coconut Grove. Also the noticeable Latin American impact on the city’s way of life and food.

Even though Miami and Miami Beach is two different cities, people are mostly say Miami for Miami Beach or South Beach which is one of the top vacation destinations in the world. We have tried to explain the beauty of Miami with our Miami Travel Guide for Students.

Now, just book your flight and just get ready to experience the beauty. Not sure yet? Check out our San Francisco Travel Guide for Students to compare your option.

New York International Auto Show (NYIAS)

Yes car lovers, you are right! It is that of the year! Hundreds of international car makers will present their brand-new cars in New York International Auto Show 2017. The event will take a place in Jacob Javits Convention Center in Manhattan, New York. No doubt that NYIAS is one of the most well-known events across the globe.

New York International Auto Show is the first and most-visited car show in North America serving since 1900’s. There have been thousands of new car models met its potential buyers throughout the history. In the show, not only new productions but also futuristic concept cars are being exposed to excite visitors.

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Do you wonder which concept cars will be revealed in New York International Auto Show 2017?

We already know that Toyota has a surprise for us in the show. The company has leaked the name of their concept car which is FT-4X. Even though we do not have much information about the car itself, we have tried to come up with some ideas of this brand-new car. If we break down FT, it abbreviation for “Future Toyota” and 4X must be related to four wheel drive. Therefore, Toyota might be looking forward to gain more advantage in the SUV section due to increasing demand over years.

It doesn’t really matter how much we analyze the name and come up with some ideas on Toyota’s concept car, we will not really have a certain image. In order to have a clear image, we have to wait till the show and see it there. Why should we spoil the mystery, right?

If you have plans to visit the show, New York International Auto Show 2017 will officially start on Saturday, April 15th through Sunday, April 23rd. Sounds like long-time, but make sure you visit the show early not to miss this opportunity.

Later, you can pass your observations to your friends and brag about it! : ) See you at the show!

Adriana Lima says being a Victoria’s Secret Angel is no Pressure at All


No doubt, Adriana Lima is the longest serving model and apparently most well-known Victoria’s Secret Angel in the history. She definitely deserves it! Adriana Lima, 35 year-old model, has been a Victoria’s Secret Angel since 1999 and dozens of different top notch modeling jobs. She has been the world’s second highest-paid model since 2014.

According to CNBC’s news, Adriana Lima was in Singapore to launch VS’s new “Body by Victoria” collection. In CNBC’s “Street Signs”, Lima said “People are watching you and you become their inspiration. I really just want to put a positive message and try to show the real values, the most important values in life out there.” She has a direct connection to millions of people around the world with her social media such as ten million followers on Instagram, more than six million on Facebook, and almost three million on Twitter.

What is so special about Adriana Lima, the longest serving Victoria’s Secret Angel?

She also adds “I’m a very private person, but I try to share a little bit of everything, you know especially through social media: little moments with my children, things that I like, books that I read.”

Yes! She is certainly special. This is the real reason behind her increasing followers around the world every single day with good intensions.

Besides being an amazing model, Lima is also a great individual with two amazing children. She keeps her form intense boxing, training, and diet regimen. She does not only prove young models that the age is not a real matter, but the dedication is.

I personally believe that Lima means much more than a woman with a pretty face and body. She is hope for many! Do you know where she will be for Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2017? Click here to find out!

The Impact of Social Media Popularity


The internet has evolved rapidly over the past couple of decades, reshaping our lives in ways we never imagined. With this digital transformation, the meaning of “social” has changed drastically. Today, your social life is often measured by your social media popularity—how many followers, retweets, post shares, or likes you can accumulate. But let’s pause for a moment and ask: does your social media presence really reflect your social life?

Social media popularity: A new identity?

As society increasingly values social media popularity, these online profiles have started to become an extension of our identities. Particularly among younger generations, there’s an unrelenting drive to build a larger online following. Every day, new platforms appear to capitalize on this, enticing users with the promise of more likes, more shares, and more followers. But does chasing this digital approval equate to a richer, more fulfilling life?

It’s become clear that young people are especially captivated by their social media image. They share every detail of their lives online—what they’re eating, where they’re going, who they’re with. Yet, if you look closely, you’ll often see a group of friends at a café, not talking or laughing, but absorbed in their phones, chasing those likes. Smiles are reserved for selfies, and joy comes from the moment the “likes” start pouring in.

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The illusion of connection

This obsession with social media popularity creates a concerning disconnect. While we may be more “connected” than ever online, real-life interactions are becoming increasingly hollow. People are more focused on their virtual audience than the friend sitting across from them. The pressure to present a perfect, curated version of life can lead to feelings of isolation and, ironically, loneliness.

It’s no surprise that studies show how social media use can contribute to anxiety, stress, and depression. Social validation is a powerful force, but it’s often fleeting. And while social media has its merits, it’s crucial to remember that it’s only a tool, not the foundation of our social lives.

Which social media platform should I use?

The platform you choose can significantly affect your social media popularity. Each platform caters to different audiences and content types. For instance, Instagram and TikTok prioritize visual content like photos and videos, making them perfect for influencers and creatives. Twitter is a hub for concise thoughts and trending topics, while LinkedIn is ideal for professional networking. Understanding your goals will help you decide which platform aligns best with your content and audience.

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Side effects of social media popularity

When I first wrote this article years back, many people were already concerned with the side effects of the social media. However, they have stayed as minorities. Even more, they were labeled as outdated. Today, social media popularity is a defining factor in today’s world, shaping how we interact, present ourselves, and even how we feel about our worth. This article delves into the critical issues surrounding social media’s influence, from the platforms we use to the psychological and social consequences of this constant online presence.

Can social media cause depression?

Yes, numerous studies link excessive social media use to increased rates of depression, especially among young people. Constantly comparing yourself to others’ curated, “perfect” lives can erode self-esteem and lead to feelings of inadequacy. This relentless pursuit of social media popularity can leave users feeling unfulfilled, as the validation they seek through likes and followers rarely translates into true satisfaction.

Can social media cause anxiety?

The pressure to maintain a constant online presence can also trigger anxiety. People feel compelled to keep up with trends, post regularly, and engage with followers, all while trying to maintain a polished image. The fear of missing out (FOMO) on what’s happening online or the need to meet a certain level of popularity can create constant anxiety. Today, social media platforms set their algorithms to specifically favor on people who post various contents multiple times a day.

Can social media be addictive?

Yes, social media has an addictive quality. Platforms are designed to keep users scrolling through endless content, and the dopamine hit from receiving likes or comments can make people crave more. This addiction to social validation can easily spiral, leading users to spend hours on their phones without realizing it, further isolating them from real-life interactions.

Can social media cause stress?

The need to present a perfect life online can lead to immense stress. Users often feel the pressure to keep up with an idealized version of themselves, which leads to burnout. The stress is not just about creating content but about the expectations from followers and the fear of negative comments or lack of engagement.

Can social media cause eating disorders?

The pressure to look “perfect” as portrayed by influencers and celebrities can contribute to body image issues and even eating disorders. Young people, in particular, are bombarded with edited images and filtered photos that set unrealistic beauty standards. The pursuit of likes can lead to unhealthy behaviors and a distorted view of self-worth tied directly to physical appearance.

Can social media destroy real-life communication?

Ironically, while social media connects people online, it can disconnect them from those around them. Many people find themselves more engaged with their phones than with face-to-face interactions, creating a barrier in personal relationships. The more time spent on social platforms, the less time and energy people have for meaningful real-life communication. If you go to any café or restaurant around the world, you just see people scrolling through their phones while sitting as a group of friends.

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How Social Media Affects Relationships

Social media can introduce tension into relationships, especially with the constant exposure to others’ highlight reels. Comparison, jealousy, and insecurity can arise when partners or friends measure their relationships against the seemingly perfect ones they see online. In extreme cases, social media can even lead to mistrust or feelings of inadequacy in personal relationships.

How social media affects self-esteem

For many, social media is a tool for validation. However, when self-worth becomes tied to likes, comments, and followers, it can significantly impact self-esteem. Those who don’t receive as much online attention may begin to feel less valued. The gap between online and real-life personas can also create an identity crisis, leading to further dissatisfaction.

If you ever feel like you need help, you can always reach out to an organizations like NAMI. Remember, you are not alone!

Striking a balance

I will not deny that social media is a part of our lives now and it would just be ignorant to avoid its benefits. However, we should educate young people to be aware of its affects.

While social media popularity can offer moments of connection and validation, it’s essential to understand its deeper impact on mental health, relationships, and self-esteem. Striking a balance between online presence and real-life social interactions is crucial. In this increasingly digital world, we need to focus on fostering genuine relationships rather than being consumed by the numbers on our screens. By acknowledging the positive and negative effects of social media, we can take control of our usage and ensure that we use these platforms for connection and growth, rather than as a measure of our worth.

Top 20 College Newspapers Online


There are numerous college newspapers online with different approaches in order to serve as a publisher regarding local university updates as well as international daily news. Most of the college newspapers are focused on the local information about their institution while others operate similar to official newspapers. In comparison to local ones, college papers operated similar to regular newspapers have the opportunity to reach wider audience due to deeper concept.

In PlatoPost, we have designed a unique system where students freely join our authors and express their feelings about the recent news. Even though we are not an official college newspaper, we are dedicated to become the largest platform. We will be hosting more college students publishing news around the world. In our platform, authors who provide news continuity will appeal to more readers in the long term so that slack authors will be eliminated in time.

Throughout this project, we have been influenced by many different college newspaper online. However, due to our focus of interest, our goal has much broader vision. During the creation process of project, we have identified college newspapers with well settlement. In each certain newspaper, there are number of different characteristics shape its formation. We have created this article to show well-managed college newspapers provide publications online. Even though there are many more online college newspaper, we have gathered upa list for your convenience.

Here is the list of top 20 college newspapers online:

The John Hopkins News-Letter, John Hopkins University

The Minnesota Daily, University of Minnesota

The Argonaut, University of Idaho

Washington Square News, NYU

The Daily Princetonian, Princeton University

The Harvard Crimson, Harvard University

The Columbia Spectator, Columbia University

The Tech Online Edition, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Stanford Daily, Stanford University

The Daily Texan, University of Texas

The Daily Californian, University of California, Berkeley

The Minaret, University of Tampa

The Heights, Boston College

The Independent Florida Alligator, University of Florida

The Daily Athenaeum, West Virginia University

The Daily Collegian, Penn State University

The Daily Bruin, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

The Cornell Daily Sun, Cornell University

The Daily Orange, Syracuse University

The Yale Daily News, Yale University

San Francisco Travel Guide for Students


San Francisco Travel Guide for students has been formed to create an insight before your visit. Hopefully, our guide will help you to have a general kick start for your vacation. In the future, we willl provide more articles for deeper information about San Francisco.

San Francisco is one of the most popular places to visit for travelers in United States. The continuous demand from the visitors keep the city alive. San Francisco is evolving rapidly—flicker and you may miss something. Every year, millions of people from around the world visits San Francisco for its innovative industries and breathtaking city view.

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The city has an amazing harmony of times and cultures. While Victorian homes keep their candy colored dress, tech guys preparing the future by building up the Soma and Mid-Market neighborhoods. In this article, I will try to inform you with some tips that will help you to enjoy San Francisco experience. The city is listed in the top destinations to visit which has led to creation of numerous tourist attractions like California Academy of Science and de Young Museum.

Before you make your plans to visit San Francisco, you should decide how you want your vacation to be. Sounds weird, doesn’t it? I mean you should select the period of the year for your visit as it shows huge differences whole around the year. If you visit in fall, most likely you will have a nice weather with moderate crowd and a quite vacation while Summer time is more crowded with outdoor festivals and events.

All year around, San Francisco has an amazing weather ranging from 57 to 70 F for people who don’t like cold. Even though the climate is good, most locals are used to carrying extra layers like a scarf and a jacket when going out.

Here is the list of must see places according to San Francisco Travel Guide:

  • de Young
  • Dolores Park
  • Golden Gate Park
  • Lafayette Park
  • Ocean Beach

How to Write a Resume for your First Job Application?

Are you looking to apply for your first job application with no professional experience? I can imagine how hard it could be to land that job, but it is POSSIBLE! Resume writing is all about understanding company’s expectations from a candidate. In this article, I will try to explain certain steps of creating a resume for your first job application.

Even though we all say that we should not value people by their first impression, we always unwittingly do it! Your resume is your first impression and you have to make it count if you are looking to stand out among other candidates. In the resume writing process, you need to think about yourself outside the box and become your own marketer. Remember, no one knows you better!

In traditional resume writing, you need to determine the style of your resume, write down your education, and list your work experience. However, your resume might not look very bright as this will be your first job application. I would suggest you different approach for writing your resume instead of the traditional techniques.

Identification Skillsets of a Resume for your First Job Application

First, take a piece of paper and write down a list of your skills. Do not consider any skill as irrelevant, write down everything like talkative, techy, hardworking, etc. Depending on the job position you will be applying, any skill could make a difference. If you cannot come up with any skill, call your best friend, parents, or siblings. You can’t even imagine what skillsets they can identify about you.

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Once you write down your skills as a list, you need to analyze the job position you will apply. You can start your analysis by googling the job title to identify what qualifications companies looking for this duty besides the listed job post. After gathering more information about the exact position, you can select 5 skills from your skillset list which will help you to overcome obstacles you will be facing during the adjustment process in this position.

As a newbie in the workforce, these skills will be your qualification for this position even though you don’t have experience. Be proud of these skills, and realize that you are already executing these in your daily life.

Second, think about your education history including all seminars, certification programs, etc. Once you list your education history in your resume, point out each class, seminar or certification that might be relative to the job position or bold your skills. This will help the recruiter to make connection between your education, skills, and the job position.

Correct Order of the Information on a Resume for your First Job Application

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Last thing you need to do is placing all these information in a nice order with no typos and slang words. Here is a traditional order for a resume with no employment history:

  • Contact information
  • Brief Summary
  • Qualification
  • Education History
  • Additional Skills

Next step is to prepare yourself for your interview to present yourself clearly! If you cannot get the job at first time, don’t give up and refine the process.

International Student Scholarships offered in USA

United States is the top destination for international students around the globe. However, education in USA is expensive in comparison to many other countries so that international student scholarships are highly critical to pursue a degree affordably. As USA being the top destination for education, there are limitless opportunities for students to receive education. Even sometimes students can gain a right to obtain their degree completely free.

What are the requirements for International Student Scholarships?

Requirements for each scholarship is different and qualification processes are not easy. Individuals who are planning to apply for scholarships has to show determination in order to stand out in the crowd. There are different types of scholarships available for international students such as USA Government Scholarships, US College and University Scholarships, and Private Scholarships. Students should make their own individual research to identify the most suitable option for their need. Due to coverage, scholarships show huge differences as some only cover partial tuition or book costs while some cover everything.

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USA Government Scholarships for International Students

Foreign Fulbright Student Program

The most well-known scholarship program worldwide provided by USA Government. Fulbright program is a unique opportunity for students seeking Masters or PhD Degrees. As much as the program seems unbelievable, to obtain the program you need to be one of the 4,000 students selected each year. Usually, the program covers all expenses including tuition, books, living costs, airfare, etc. However, the coverage may vary in each case.

Hubert Humphrey Fellowships in USA

Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program is slightly different than Fulbright Student Program. The program is designed to establish an environment for a mutual exchange of knowledge and understanding regarding common issues and concerns. Unlike Fulbright Student Program, Hubert Humphrey Fellowship is a non-degree program; however, participants are required to have minimum of five years of full-time professional experience.

Although the program is non-degree, the program offers special opportunity to strengthen your area of expertise by taking university courses, attending conferences & seminars, networking, etc. Here is the list of the available program fields:

  • Agricultural and Rural Development
  • Communications/Journalism
  • Economic Development
  • Educational Administration, Planning and Policy
  • Finance and Banking
  • Higher Education Administration
  • HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention
  • Human Resource Management
  • Law and Human Rights
  • Natural Resources, Environmental Policy, and Climate Change
  • Public Health Policy and Management
  • Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration
  • Substance Abuse Education, Treatment and Prevention
  • Teaching of English as a Foreign Language
  • Technology Policy and Management
  • Trafficking in Persons Policy and Prevention
  • Urban and Regional Planning

Free Education Action in San Francisco will Set an Example


Education is one of the most important components for an individual to stand out in today’s environment. Even though observation might show differences according to each person’s ability, each person finds something beneficial for them to receive. No matter how little a person takes; everyone needs some level of university or college education which is only possible if free education is available. On the contrary, education is becoming much less affordable in general.

San Francisco announces good news on free education

In February, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and Supervisor Jane Kim announced that the city will provide free education for everyone without questioning if they are in need or not. This action will take its place in history as being executed by a metropolitan area. The city will execute the decision starting this fall. More than 28,000 students will be affected by this amazing opportunity to continue their education. Additionally, the deal will also help low-income students by providing $250 for necessities such as books, commute, etc.

I hope this free education action of San Francisco will set an example for the other areas across the nation. Due to the importance of educated people for the nation, United States Authorities should take a critical action for encouraging cities.

Do you have plans to visit San Francisco? Check out our San Francisco Travel Guide.

Super Bowl LI – Patriots vs Falcons


Super Bowl LI – On February 5 2017, New England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons played against each other. In order to win the first place of the most well-known American Football organization. As every year, the final game has been amazing to be spoken weeks and months by football supporters. In the game, New England Patriots win the Super Bowl LI with an outstanding comeback by scoring 25-0 in the second half.

Super Bowl has always been an organization more than just a football game. The entertainment side of the event makes it unique for attracting fans around the world. This year, Lady Gaga performed in the half break which took a little longer than the usual half time. Falcons player Mohamed Sanu mentioned that the long half break might have effected their performance with these words on the NFL Network:

“Usually, halftime is only like 15 minutes, and when you’re not on the field for like an hour, it’s just like going to work out, like a great workout, and you go sit on the couch for an hour and then try to start working out again.”

He might be right about his opinion on having longer break than usual might affect the team’s performance and concentration; however the game will certainly be a one to remember for years. Our part as a supporter of football games itself, we should just enjoy the game played and wait for the next season to watch more amazing games.

Super Bowl LI – Lady Gaga’s Performance

Although players blame it on Lady Gaga for losing the concentration on the game, Lady Gaga certainly amazed all spectators. Whether they had the chance to watch the game in the stadium or on TV, she satisfied every person. Hopefully, Super Bowl organization will keep increasing its performance.

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